9 Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Sikhism is a religion very popular in India and we are sure our readers must be aware of most of the rituals information festivals and practices of the sikhs. However, not many people have an idea about how the foundation of the Sikh religion was laid, the Sikh gurus etc. In this article ‘Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji‘ we will be providing our readers, information and quotes by Guru Nanak Dev Ji who was the founder of Sikhism and the first among the 10 Sikh gurus. His teachings hold a great importance and continue to affect people for the good.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on 15th April 1469 in the village of Talwandi which is now popular as the Nankana Sahib of Pakistan. Now let’s have a look at some of the famous sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji that will definitely impact your mind and heart in a positive way.

Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

1.) Guru Nanak Ji said : “He who has no faith in himself can never have faith in God.

Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

2.) In today’s world where people believe in delusions, Guru Nanak Dev Ji said. “Let no man in the world live in delusion as without a Guru no one can cross over to the other shore.

Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

3.) Today where there are fights in the name of God and religion, the religious Guru himself said. “He who regards or men as equals is religious.

Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

4.) Today every man is selfish and is living for himself/ herself, however, Nanak Dev Ji said, “The greatest comforts and lasting peace are obtained when one eradicates selfishness from within.

Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

5) Today where we live in the world of superficial intelligence, AI etc earlier Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, “Through superficial intellect the brain becomes shallow and one eats the fly along with the dessert.” which means, in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, the mind may inadvertently consume detrimental elements if it remains superficial in its approach.

Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

6.) Life is a mixture of happiness and sorrows supporting which the Guru said. “In this universe when you ask for joy, pain steps forward.

Famous Sayings by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

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7.) Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, “Sing the song of enjoyment to the almighty serve the name of God and become the domestic help of these servants.

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8.) There is but One Almighty, his name is the truthfulness, he is the developer, he fears none, he is without loathing, he never dies, he is beyond the cycle of death and birth, he is bright, he is realised by the kindliness of the true Guru, he was true in the initial time, he was true when the ages start and continues to be true even today.

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9.) In the time of never ending fights in the name of religion, Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, “Before being a Hindu, a Christian, a Sikh or a Muslim, let’s become a person first.

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Sikh Gurus List

1. Guru Nanak
2. Guru Angad
3. Guru Amar
4. Guru Ram Das
5. Guru Arjan
6. Guru Hargobind
7. Guru Har Rai
8. Guru Har Krishan
9. Guru Tej Bahadur
10. Guru Gobind Singh

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Final Words

In this article we have tried to bring to our readers the motivational and life changing teachings of lord Guru Nanak. Share this article with your friends and family. To let them know more about Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his teachings.



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