Gaur Gopal Das Quotes: 21 Best Lines From A Monk

Gaur Gopal Das is someone whom very few may not know. If you are even slightly active on social media, you must have come across his quotes, reels, shorts, and posts. Gaur Gopal, who pursued Electrical Engineering, is an incredibly knowledgeable and educated individual. His words and speeches offer a new perspective on viewing the world. Gaur Gopal Das Quotes inspiring you to see things in a different and beautiful way.

Born on December 24, 1973, in Vambori, Maharashtra, Gaur Gopal Das is not only a renowned motivational speaker but also an excellent author. His books, such as ‘Life’s Amazing Secret: How to Find Balance and Purpose in Your Life’ and ‘Energize Your Mind: A Monk’s Guide to Mindful Living,’ are among my favorite reads. With a humorous and insightful approach, this individual’s perspective will teach you a lot about life.

Let’s take a look at some of the best quotes from Indian monk, lifestyle coach, motivational speaker, and member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), Gaur Gopal Das. Reading these quotes will provide you a new perspective, and you will likely gain even more respect for him.

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

1. We should deal with each other sensitively; our attitude towards life affects how we act in our relationships.

inspiring quotes

2. My golden rule to know whether or not you are being adequately sensitive to another person is: treat someone better than you would like to be treated. Ask yourself the question, ‘Does my tone of voice, body language and behaviour reflect sensitivity?

motivational lines

3. We must remember that life is not a race to win, but a journey to evolve and experience.

motivational lines

4. We must be sensitive with our words and actions. Being sensitive means to think about how the other person may feel before we say or do something.

motivational lines

5. Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.

motivational lines

6. You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to let them stop controlling you.

motivational lines

7. It is strange that sword and words have the same letters. Even more strange is that they have the same effect if not handled properly.

motivational lines

8. Life is a difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.

gaur gopal das best lines

9. Watch your thoughts, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions. Keep eyes on your actions, they turn into habits.
Watch your habits, they turn into character. Watch your character, it turns into your destiny.’ It all begins with a thought.

gaur gopal das best lines

10. People with a closed mindset want to grow by beating others in their field. Open-minded people, on the other hand, grow by developing themselves. They know that nobody is their competition. They are their own competition.

Best Quotes From Gaur Gopal Das

gaur gopal das best lines

11. Everybody has so much to offer; arrogance stops us from learning from them.

gaur gopal das best lines

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12. Remember, you’re not in competition with them.
You’re in competition with yourself. Your goal is to simply be better than what you were yesterday,

gaur gopal das best lines

13. Understanding to accept and deal with your emotions is important.

gaur gopal das best lines

14. If we do have to compare ourselves with others, we should compare positive attitudes. That person’s attitude to tirelessly keep working or grinding at their skills is inspiring. I want that same attitude.

gaur gopal das motivational quotes

15. Spirituality helps develop good character. It is character that shines bright when words fail to do so.

gaur gopal das motivational quotes

16. If we are to live in our comfort zone, we cannot grow.

gaur gopal das motivational quotes

17. The principles of developing character are:
Vichaar: The life philosophy we follow. We must learn from it.
Aachaar: The action based on that philosophy. We must do it.
Prachaar: The good conduct that is displayed to the world through those actions. We must practise it.

gaur gopal das motivational quotes

18. If we have the emotional agility and intelligence to avoid hurting others, that is the ideal situation.

gaur gopal das motivational quotes

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19. The ideology behind the ice cream is: enjoy your life before it melts.

gaur gopal das quotes

20. Jealousy is counting other people’s blessings rather than our own.

gaur gopal das quotes

21. We can increase our scope of selflessness beyond our family by serving our community, city or even nation.

gaur gopal das quotes

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The name of the books written by Gaur Gopal Das?

The Way Of The Monks, Energize Your Mind and Life’s Amazing Secret has been written by Gaur Gopal Das.

Best quotes from Gaur Gopal Das?

The ideology behind the ice cream is: enjoy your life before it melts.

Final Words

Discover a new perspective of viewing the world and yourself by reading some of the best and impactful quotes by Gaur Gopal Das. Share this article with your friends, especially with your parents, so that they can start their day on a positive note by sending Gaur Gopal Das’ quotes to the family WhatsApp group every morning.